A&J Maximus
Welcome to the page of this very special foal.
here is the story of a very strong foal!
meet Maximus!
It already started with the birth. This little guy was stuck for way to long in the birth canal! We thought for sure he would be dead.
but he came out alive! Unfortunately he had some oxygen to short from the long birth.
he was standing and trying to drink but unfortunately he's little tongue was not strong enough he was trying to drink from the udder but he just had not enough power because of the shortness from the oxygen.
later that day after it did not get better we brought him to the clinic.
once there his blood did not look good because he was not able to drink.
He had to get a bladder tube and later he got a feeding tube also because he really could not drink.
He tried every time again to drink from the udder but was not able to.
they started to try to let him drink out a little bucket and after a few days he did understand how it worked.
after 1 week in de clinic he was finally able to drink from the udder. 🙏🏻
unfortunatly he got an infection but after 12 days in the clinic we thought he overwon it.
we were allowed to bring him home and still had to give him some medication and had to check his bloodlevels after 5 days.
after 5 days the infection levels in the blood were still not what they had to be. After 7 days being at home he was not standing on 1 hind leg.
we called the clinic again.
we had to bring him in again to see if the infection was not in a joint. They took some blood again and saw that the infection levels were incredible high! Not good news. In infection was in the hip. He was septic.
a very long way begon.
Pictures were taken from the hip, they injected some medication directly in the hip for 3 days and he got medication in the blood 4 times a day.
in between they took fluid out of the hip to see what kind of infection he got.
bad news came back. It was a very bad bacteria and was resistant for almost all the medication except from one. One that they prefer not to use but there was no other option.
He was already 1,5 week in the clinic. We had to look day by day.
Till we had the phone to tell us he was going in the good direction. Finally!! He was able to stand on the leg was almost not lame anymore and infection was going down such a relief!
in 5 days they would take blood again and we would see when he was able to go home.
Unfortunatly 5 days later we got the worst phone call you can expect!
his infection levels went way up! Crazy high again!
they took pictures from the hip and saw the infection really got the hip. The pictures did not look good at all.
putting him down would be the only solution. I was devestated! We were fighting already for 1 month in total and spend lots of money.
this could not be the end!
I called our vet at home who is specialized in legs for horses. He wanted to know how the was doing clinical instead of just see how he was doing on paper because that was for sure not good at all!
I went to see our little Maximus because for sure I would not put him down without seeing him!
I was surprised by how good he was clinical
I did send a video to our home vet and also he was suprised by how good he was with walking, playing and just being crazy and feeling good!
We came to the conclusion to bring him home! And treat him at home with our own vet.
today 18 July after almost 3 weeks at the clinic he came home again!
for sure we still have a very very long way to go!!
and the blood and pictures does not look good but he is feeling good! And he for sure does want to live.
so as long as this little guy wants to fight we will fight with him together!
update: 30th November.
for months we had to give him every day injections to get the infection under control.
finally his blood levels stabilized and we stopped the 8th of October with all the antibiotics and could only hope for the best. The luck was finally on our side and till this day he is doing incredible.
he is our daughters favorite! And is enjoying his life fully. He knows he is special for sure and think he can do everything he wants. The little naughty boy.
but we are so very blessed with how he is doing now 🙏🏻

Enjoy this cute photos from this little guy after a very rough time and still having a hard time ❤️💙